
Educational Collection Services

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Higher educational institutions face unique challenges when it comes to recovering outstanding debts. CRS specializes in Educational Collection Services tailored to meet the specific needs of schools, colleges, and universities. Our comprehensive approach includes:

Customized Solutions: We understand that every educational institution is unique. We tailor our collection strategies to align with your institution’s policies and values, ensuring that our approach reflects your ethos.

Sensitive Handling: Educational debts often involve students’ financial futures. We handle these cases with sensitivity, providing students with the opportunity to resolve their debts while preserving their educational prospects.


Compliance: Our team is well-versed in the complexities of federal regulations related to educational debt recovery. We ensure strict compliance with laws such as FERPA, FDCPA, TCPA, and state govt act protecting your student’s privacy and data.

Legal Expertise: If legal action becomes necessary, we have the legal expertise to pursue collections through litigation while maintaining ethical practices.

Communication: Effective communication is crucial in educational collections. We maintain open lines of dialogue with debtors, offering clear pathways to resolution and payment plans when necessary.

At Collection Recovery Services (CRS), our tailored debt recovery services for educational institutions extend beyond conventional methods. We employ advanced SKIP TRACING techniques to swiftly locate individuals with outstanding debts, ensuring a prompt and efficient resolution. Moreover, at CRS, we emphasize the critical distinction between credit reports and credit bureau reporting in educational collections. Our suite of services extends to CREDIT BUREAU REPORTING, a strategic tool employed at the client’s request to motivate timely payments by influencing an individual’s credit profile. With 25 years of experience in the field, CRS is dedicated to deploying cutting-edge strategies tailored for educational institutions. Whether the goal is recovering tuition fees or managing educational loans, we are committed to optimizing debt recovery outcomes through our specialized approach.

Our education collections services include:

  • Federal student loan programs
  • Institutional loan programs
  • Tuition receivables
  • Miscellaneous receivables including:
    • tuition agreements
    • telephone bills
    • parking fines
    • library fines
    • overpayments
    • emergency loans
    • returned checks
    • housing & dining
    • bad debt fines
    • student health fines